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Curriculum Vitae


Ph.D. Doctor of Philosophy,

Experimental Psychology, Linguistics, and Cognitive Neuroscience. University of Milano-Bicocca - 2013


M.S.c. Master of Science,

Psychology of Organizations, and Consumer Behavior. University of Milano-Bicocca- 2007

With distinction and highest possible honors, (110 / 110, Magna cum laude)


B.S.   Bachelor of Science,

Psychology, University of Milano-Bicocca - 2004


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  1. Iannello, P., Cancer, A., Zmigrod, L., Antonietti, A., & Salvi, C. (2024). Creative Minds in a Polarized World. The Journal of Creative Behavior.

  2. Salvi, C., Keller, N., Cooper, S. E., Leiker, E., & Dunsmoor, J. (2024). Aha! and D’oh! experiences enhance learning for incidental information—new evidence supports the insight memory advantage. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 1-12.

  3. Keller, N. E., Salvi, C., Leiker, E. K., Gruber, M. J., & Dunsmoor, J. E. (2024). States of epistemic curiosity interfere with memory for incidental scholastic facts. npj Science of Learning, 9(1), 22.

  4. Chesebrough, C., Salvi, C., Beeman, M., Oh, Y., and Kounios, J., (2024). Waves of Insight: The History of Research on Insight and its Neural Components. In Salvi, C., Smith, S., and Wiley, J., (eds.), The Emergence of Insight. Cambridge University Press.

  5. Salvi C., and Bowden, E. (2024). Insight. What happens backstage? In Salvi, C., Smith, S., and Wiley, J., (eds.), The Emergence of Insight. Cambridge University Press.

  6. Smith, S., Wiley, J.,  and Salvi, C. (2024) The emergence of Insight Research. In Salvi, C., Smith, S., and Wiley, J., (eds.), The Emergence of Insight. Cambridge University Press.

  7. Wiley, J.,  Salvi, C., and Smith, S., (2024) Insights from The emergence of Insight Research. In Salvi, C., Smith, S., and Wiley, J., (eds.), The Emergence of Insight. Cambridge University Press.

  8. Hope, T. M., Price, C. J., Halai, A., Salvi, C., Crinion, J., Keijsers, M., ... & Bowman, H. (2024). Estimating the construct validity of Principal Components Analysis. arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.12905.

  9. Salvi, C., (2024). Physiological markers of insight, on "Sistemi intelligenti, Rivista quadrimestrale di scienze cognitive e di intelligenza artificiale", pp. 453-476, doi: 10.1422/113331

  10. Iannello, P., Cancer, A., Antonietti, A., Salvi, C., (2024). Navigating the pandemic emergency: The role of socio-cognitive polarization in complex situations, on "Sistemi intelligenti, Rivista quadrimestrale di scienze cognitive e di intelligenza artificiale", pp. 433-452, doi: 10.1422/113330

  11. Vitello, M., & Salvi, C. (2023). Gestalt’s Perspective on Insight: A Recap Based on Recent Behavioral and Neuroscientific Evidence. Journal of Intelligence, 11(12), 224. 

  12. Vitello, M., & Salvi, C., (2023) Aha! In perceptual Experience and Problem-Solving Cognition. Encyclopaedia.

  13. George, T., & Salvi, C. (2023). Putting the framework to work: Comment on" a systematic framework of creative metacognition" by Lebuda & Benedek. Physics of Life Reviews, 47, 203-206.

  14. Yu, Y., Salvi, C., Beker and Beeman, M. (2023) Solving problems with an Aha! increases risk preference, Thinking & Reasoning.

  15. Salvi, C., Markers of insight. (2023). Routledge International Handbook of Creative Cognition.

  16. Laukkonen, R. E., Webb, M., Salvi, C., Tangen, J. M., Slagter, H. A., & Schooler, J. W. (2023). Insight and the Selection of Ideas. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 105363.

  17. Pizzolante, M., Borghesi, F., Sarcinella, E., Bartolotta, S., Salvi, C., Cipresso, M., Gaggioli, A. & Chirico A. Awe in the Metaverse: Designing and validating a novel online virtual-reality awe-inspiring training, (2023). Computers in Human Behavior, 148. 107876.

  18. Salvi, C., Iannello, P., Cooper, S. E., McClay, M., Dunsmoor, J. E., & Antonietti, A. (2023). Does social rigidity predict cognitive rigidity? Profiles of socio-cognitive polarization. Psychological Research, 1-15.

  19. Cancer, A., Iannello, P., Salvi, C., & Antonietti, A. (2023). Executive functioning and divergent thinking predict creative problem-solving in young adults and elderlies. Psychological Research, 87(2), 388-396.

  20. Cancer, A., Salvi, C., Antonietti, A., & Iannello, P. (2023). Not Getting Vaccinated? It Is a Matter of Problem-Solving Abilities and Socio-Cognitive Polarization. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(3), 1721.

  21. Salvi, C., Barr, N., Dunsmoor, J. E., & Grafman, J. (2022). Insight problem solving ability predicts reduced susceptibility to fake news, bullshit, and overclaiming. Thinking & Reasoning, 1-25.

  22. Salvi, C., Iannello, P., Cancer, A., McClay, M., Rago, S., Dunsmoor, E. J. and Antonietti, A., (2021). Going Viral: Social and Cognitive Factors Influence Fake News Detection and Proliferation During COVID-19 Pandemic. Frontiers in Communication.

  23. Salvi, C., Leiker, E., Baricca, B., Molinari, M. A., Nichelli, P., Grafman, J., & Dunsmoor, J., (2021) The effect of dopaminergic replacement therapy on creative thinking and insight problem-solving in Parkinson’s Patients. Frontiers in Psychology.

  24. Sprugnoli, G., Rossi, S., Liew, S. L., Bricolo, E., Costantini, G., Salvi, C., ... & Santarnecchi, E. (2021). Enhancement of semantic integration reasoning by tRNS. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 1-11.

  25. Cohen-Zimerman, S., Salvi, C., & Grafman, J. (2020). Patients-based approaches to understanding intelligence and problem-solving. The Cambridge Handbook of Intelligence and cognitive Neuroscience.

  26. Laukkonen,R.,  Webb, M., Salvi, C., Tange, J., and ShoolerJ. (2020). Eureka Heuristics: How feelings of insight signal the quality of a new idea. PsyArXiv. 10.31234/

  27. Salvi, C., Simoncini, C., Franconeri, S., Kounios, J., Beeman, M. & Grafman, J., (2020). Oculometric signature of the switch into awareness? Pupil size predicts sudden insight whereas microsaccades predict problem-solving via analysis

  28. Neuroimage.

  29. Salvi, C., McKinley, R., Bikson, M., Beeman M., and Grafman, J. (2020). Right temporal transcranial direct current stimulation improves insight problem-solving . Nature, Scientific Reports.

  30. C. Palmiero, M., Piccardi, L., Nori, R., Palermo, L., Salvi, C., & Guariglia. (2019) Creativity: Education and Rehabilitation. Frontiers in Psychology.

  31. Santarnecchi, E., G. Sprugnoli, E. Bricolo, G. Costantini, S. L. Liew, C. S. Musaeus, C. Salvi, A. Pascual-Leone, A. Rossi, and S. Rossi. (2019) Gamma tACS over the temporal lobe increases the occurrence of Eureka! moments. Nature, Scientific reports 9, no. 1 : 5778-5778. doi 10.1038/s41598-019-42192-z

  32. Salvi, C., & Bowden, E. (2019). The relation between state and trait risk-taking and problem-solving. Psychological research, 1-14.

  33. Danek, A., Salvi, C., (2018). Moment of truth: Why Aha! experiences are correct. Journal of Creative Behavior. doi 10.1002/jocb.380

  34. Cohen-Zimerman, S., Salvi, C., Krueger, F., Gordon, B. and Grafman J. (2018).  Intelligence Across the Seventh Decade in Patients with Brain Injuries Acquired in Young Adulthood. Trends in Neuroscience and Education. 13, 1-7.

  35. Cristofori, I., Salvi, C., Beeman, M. & Grafman, J. (2018). The Effects of Expected Reward on Creative Problem Solving. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience.1-7.

  36. Salvi, C., Costantini, G., Pace, A. & Palmiero (2018). Validation of the Italian Remote Associate Task. Journal of Creative Behavior. 1-13. 10.1002/jocb.345.

  37. Hogeveen, J., Salvi, C., & Grafman, J. (2016). “Emotional intelligence”: Lessons from Lesions. Trends in Neurosciences, 39(10), 694–705.

  38. Palmiero, M., Piccardi, L., Nori, R., Palermo, L., Salvi, C., Guariglia, C. (2016) Editorial: Creativity and Mental Imagery. Frontiers in Psychology. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01280. PMID: 27610094

  39. Salvi, C., Bowden, E. (2016). Looking Nowhere for Creativity: Where do we look when we look for new ideas? Frontiers in Psychology · doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00161

  40. Salvi, C., Bricolo, E., Bowden, E., Kounios, J. & Beeman, M. (2016). Insight solutions are correct more often than those achieved by analysis. Thinking and Reasoning. doi:10.1080/13546783.2016.1141798

  41. Salvi, C., Cristofori, I., Beeman, M. & Grafman, J. (2016). The politic of insight. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. doi: 10.1080/17470218.2015.1136338.

  42. Salvi, C., Bricolo, E., Franconeri, S., Kounios, J. & Beeman, M. (2015) Sudden Insight is associated with shutting down visual inputs. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. doi: 10.3758/ s13423-015-0845-0

  43. Salvi, C., Costantini, G., Bricolo, E., Perugini, M., & Beeman, M. (2015) Validation of Italian rebus puzzles and compound remote associate problems. Behavioral Research Methods. 1-22. doi: 10.3758/ s13428-015-0597-9

  44. Salvi, C., (2015). “Aha! ho indovinato” Cosa avviane nel nostro cervello quando abbiamo un lampo di genio. AIRInforma Journal. (“Aha! I got it” What happens in our brain when we have an insight.

  45. Bricolo, E., Salvi, C., Martelli, M., Arduino, L. S. & Daini, R. (2015). The effects of crowding on eye movement patterns in reading. Acta, Psychologica, 160, 23-34. doi: 10.1016/j.actpsy. 2015.06.003

  46. Bricolo, E., Salvi, C., Martelli, M., Arduino, L.S., & Daini, R. (2010). Crowding affects eye- movements patterns in word reading. Perception 39, supplement, 29. 10281/21692

  47. Legrenzi, P., & Salvi, C. (2008). Dual processes in reasoning and judgment. SISTEMI INTELLIGENTI/a. XX, n. 1, April 2008. Il Mulino: Bologna. doi: 10.1422/26719

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